Who is our HeyTaco Admin and how do we create one?

HeyTaco for Slack

When HeyTaco is added to Slack, the person who added it is made the default HeyTaco Admin. To see who your HeyTaco Admin is, you can view the Team Info page here: https://www.heytaco.chat/team/info

Adding more Admins

An existing Admin can add more by visiting the people page. Then, in the Roles column, select Admin. 

Don't have an Admin, or has your Admin left the team?

If your team doesn't have an Admin or the Admin can't be found, then let us know by sending a message on our support page.

Have a question? Please contact us: https://www.heytaco.chat/support

HeyTaco for Microsoft Teams

In HeyTaco for Microsoft Teams, there are two different admin types: Org Admin and Team Admin. Org Admins have admin access to all HeyTaco members of their organization, while Team Admins have admin access only for specific Teams within Microsoft Teams.

How are Org and Team Admins created?

When a user installs HeyTaco, if that user is the first user of the organization, they become an Org Admin. When a user installs HeyTaco to a specific team, if that user is the first user for that team, that user becomes a Team Admin. 

What access do org admins and team admins have across HeyTaco Teams?

Billing - the billing page is equally accessible to org admins/team admins.

Analytics - the Admin > Analytics page is equally accessible to org admins/team admins.

People - A user must be either an Org Admin or a Team Admin to access the Admin > People page. If a user is an Org Admin, they have access to the โ€œAll Teamsโ€ view and access to each individual team page, even if they arenโ€™t a Team Admin for a specific team. If a user is a Team Admin, they only have access to individual team pages for which they are a Team Admin.

How to assign admin rights to a user

Only an existing Org Admin can make someone else an Org Admin. They can do so on the Admin โ€”> People page, in the All Teams view or by selecting a specific Team.

An Org Admin can make someone a Team Admin for any team. If an Org Admin wants to make someone a Team Admin, they need to select a specific team from the dropdown menu that they want to associate the Team Admin with.

A Team Admin can assign another Team Admin for their own team only. That can be done by selecting the team from the dropdown menu on the People page, and assigning Team Admin rights to an existing HeyTaco member.

Note: in both HeyTaco for Slack and Microsoft Teams, you can never change your own admin status.

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